Monday, March 30, 2009



Friday, March 27, 2009

Country road

I love to go home, but whenever I think of the conditions of the road,it gives me creeps and put me off.My hometown is in Mukah,and the most convenient way is to go by road.Anyone who had traveled on the Mukah Selangau road can tell you that it is a notorious road,simply "horrible" beyond description.There are pot holes every where, some as big as our dinning tables,and they can be as deep as one to two feet.Just imagine a Kancil struggling on the road, or a ten tons lorry stranded with punctured tyres in the middle of no where?
Last Monday, I took a bus home,because dad and mum wished to see me, and I missed them too.The moment I boarded the bus, I knew the air condition was not working even though the bus ticket stated that the bus is air-conditioned.I was being compelled to travel in a bus, packed with sweaty bodies , under the merciless blazing sun.Eventually, when we were heading towards the "bad road", the warm air turned into stuffy ,smelly hot air,as the "should be condemned " poor old bus moaned heavily and fought desperately to move its heavy body, feet by feet on the dusty road at 12 noon.We, the passengers were being thrown and swayed from side to side, some banged their heads against the windows, whilst others screamed when they were thrown into the air.We were like,inside a washing machine.My goodness, my head started to throb and I felt dizzy.God, help us,I prayed.If this goes on, I am going to be half dead when I reach home, and I don't want my dear old parents to see me in this miserable and sorry state.
God was good and gracious, when I finished my prayer, I felt a stream of fresh cool air gushing down from the roof of the bus.There was one Malay man, who was clever and kind enough to open up the "top windows" of the bus.Deep in my heart, I was praising God for he had answered my prayer.Amazing, isn't it?Even at times like this, God tended to my needs.God, I love you, I whispered to him.
During the good old times, we could travel from Sibu to Mukah by air, paying only RM35 per trip,inclusive of airport tax, likewise from Mukah to Sibu we just paid RM30,no airport tax.Nowadays, we have no alternative but to travel by road or by boat.We would have thought our nation is progressing, Malaysia boleh,and that peoples lives should be improving. But look at us, we cannot even have assess to a decent tar sealed road.Is this too much to ask?We have been waiting for nearly 30 years.My mother used to be in her 60's,and now she has turned 90, does she has another 30 years? We are totally disappointed with the authority.An empty promise is just like a bounced cheque, it reflects the dishonesty and lack of integrity of the drawer. who would want a bounced cheque?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Food for thought

Adrain told me he loves to drink lactose free milk, but because it is expensive he has to refrain himself from drinking at his heart content.True, in our lives, there are many things we have to "give up" sometimes in order to strike a balance, and it is not easy.But look at it positively, too much milk will make one fat and that is unhealthy.So, it is not just money matter, rather it is for practical reason.Likewise, even rich peoples have to discipline themselves from indulging in food that they crave, otherwise they can harm themselves by over eating though they can afford it.God is fair, after all.We can only eat our fair share if we want to live healthily.
This morning, while I was doing my marketing in Central market, I met my friends.They were grumbling they did not know what to buy and cook for their families.I don't doubt their words because I have the same problem too,running out of ideas .Many housewives will surely face this problem as we are the "only cook of the house.".Most of the time when I ran out of ideas and asked my love ones for their suggestions, they would surely gave me the same answer," anything".I was annoyed by their indifference , but after much thoughts,I told my self,if I have full authority to cook whatever I want, why not enjoy it? Since then, whatever I cook, they will eat and hopefully,enjoy.(No complaint, so far.)
My children miss my cooking when they are away from home.Perhaps they are used to my styles thus why they prefer mum's cooking.My cooking skill is simple, I only know how to prepare typical home meals.But the secret is that when I cook,I do add in a pinch of love,a pinch of thoughts, and a pinch of sincerity,and pray that all of them can eat well , enjoy themselves and stay healthy.Try my recipe, it will make a lot of difference.
Foochow peoples, especially Sibu Foochow like to eat Kam pua mee.Peoples here can eat Kam pua for breakfast, kam pua for lunch, kam pua for dinner, and kam pua for super.Even if they go to other places, they have the tendency to order kam pua if they are indecisive of their choices.Luckily, I do not like it, or any other type of noodles.Otherwise, I will be rounder than now.I always opt for Kuih, as I grew up in Mukah, and I pick up more Hokkien peoples eating habits.Hokkiens like to drink coffee , so am I.I used to drink 7 or 8 mugs of coffee a day, and that was really excessive.When I realized that I was addicted to coffee, I quit the habit, now I drink occasionally, not even once a day.The best choice is still, plain water, or " sky juice."
My 3 sons are not very fussy over food, but they sure like to eat good food!Whenever we went traveling, their father would be interested in two things, that is, taking photographs and secondly, searching for nice foods.We went to China last year, and were disappointed with the food there. Not a single dish impressed us. The best food is China sweet potatoes roasted in hot charcoal.When we were at Cheng De, it was below 13 degree, snowing actually.The hot sweet potatoes tasted heavenly and unbelievably welcoming.Every one wished to hold it because it was so comforting, our fingers were numb from freezing cold.
Thailand is a country that has a lot to offer. Besides sight seeing and entertainments,they have many varieties of food to choose,most of them are delicious, exotic ,different and definitely worth trying.Prices are reasonable too.I love almost all the Thai dishes.The tom yam soup is hot and sour and spicy and simply exciting!Don't mind going again,if I can afford it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


上个星期,我们七位“门徒”的学生在民都鲁的实比遥佈道处参加崇拜。见到一对母子,坐在靠近大门旁。孩子有异于常人,一看就知道是智障和残障。母亲弯下身子,在为他檫四肢。我再看清楚点,原来他的膝盖和手面都长了厚厚的茧 那是经过长年累月的磨檫而形成的。他坐在矮凳上,傻笑着。母亲的眼眶里泛着泪水。这一幕,深深印在我的心版上。

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


近几年来,妈妈不能下厨了,她总是很感叹的说,“老了,不中用了。”岁月不留人。望着妈,心里多了一份痛。我们的老母,已经不再是当年的母亲了。她健忘,体弱,食欲不好,看着她瘦小的背影,懣跚的脚步,孤寂的眼神, 心中对她只有歉意。妈为了孩子,付出一切,青春,辛劳,体力,金钱,时间,爱和关怀,不求回报,只希望孩子们平安,快乐。而我们又有为她作了些什么?即使偶而給点钱吩咐她买补品吃,她总是一副不安的样子,担心我们也有养家的负担。我对她说,"妈,我们有,一点心意,您就拿了吧!”她总是迟疑了好一阵子才收下。

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


几年后,有一天,爸爸遇到了那位鱼贩,我们本来叫他伯伯,爸主动向他问安。“ 哥,你还好吧?”想不到他竟哭了起来,一边对爸爸说,“美光(爸的名),我对不起你!”爸赶忙对他说,“ 哥,我从来没有怪你,那只是个误会,你不要放在心上。你曾经还是我的大恩人呢!”原来爸爸有一次病得很严重,这伯伯背着爸爸,去给中医放血,爸才好了起来。


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gosh, my ping ying is so slow.Any better way to improve and make me faster? HELP!!