Monday, October 26, 2009

Middle-aged men

Last year, my hubby was going to Kuching by Air Asia.While waiting in the queue he was honored to be called in first for boarding.My hubby thought that he was granted the privilege because he was helping an Iban lady to hold her child, as her hands were full.So, no hurt feeling in this case.
Few months ago, he went to Gui Ling,China.When they got in the bus, it was packed with peoples,thus he had to stand up,along with his friend.Suddenly, a young lady raised up and offered him the seat.He was surprised of her kind gesture while turning to his friend in confusion, he asked, " Was she referring to you or me?" "Of course, is you!", his friend answered in a matter of fact manner.You see, my hubby is blessed by his parents with a head of Grey hair, which I think is great.It makes him look mature and wise, but others might think that it is an indication of aging.Whatever it is, he sat down,probably feeling different now that he is being treated as a senior citizen.
When we approach middle aged, there is always this sensitivity about look and aging.I am of no exception.In fact, even when I was at my forties,I found the hawker lady very provocative if they called me "Ah Sing", or Ah So,meaning aunty in chinese dialects.Such unwelcoming addresses would compel me to walk past them as if they were transparent and I was deaf. But deep in my heart,I would murmur,my lips motionless of course," Why didn't you call me miss or ah mui yang( Foochow meaning, young lady) , so stupid of you! You just missed one customer."
I thought I was sensitive to age, but I am not alone.Most of my lady friends felt the same and this gives me a lot of comfort. I called this voluntary reaction ,"ladies nature " , so what's the big deal? We are in the same boat.Welcome to the half a century age club.
Now that I am fifty, I began to realize that aging is an on going process of life and there is nothing disappointing or scary about it.Frankly,I am never secretive about my age, indeed, I enjoy telling peoples my real age. Because quite often than not, their immediate response was that," What? are you joking? You look like only forty plus.." And my heart would dance with joy, whether they meant it or otherwise.
Lately,I was surprised to see that there were few white hairs on my head.I had to expressed my disbelief, so I could not help myself but exclaimed :"Gosh! look at my white hairs?"
My hubby was calm and indifferent I must say."How many?" He asked.
" Three or four!" I turned towards him.
And guess what he said? "I can give you some as presents if you like." He was cheeky as ever, but it really made me feel so much better.
My 3 sons probably understood how a middle aged mother felt.They would look at me and say : "Mum, you look like woman in the early forties, honestly , you are younger than women your age." Well...Notice the word,honestly?


  1. So your taukay was priviledged just 'coz of his grey hair... wuahahahaa..
    to explicit the lady's age is not a norm for many though it may at times, we have to .. esp. dealing with official matters.
    But if anyone is calling me "Ah Sing" sure, I would not take a 2nd look on her! not more to say to lost a customer like me..

    U know one of my ex colleague called Lai, she said, you shud call me "Miss Lai" in fact she was no more virgin liao as she born a child already.. so could imagine there r such ppl who are vainer than us... more to add, in Taiwan, ppl don call them "madam" to ladies, but "Miss" so they are happier to hear and more helpful.. thus to address another is very important in this moving world... wuahahahaha...

  2. Peoples still addressed Elizabeth Taylor as a Miss, even though she has been married 7 times, and is already 70 plus of age.
