Friday, February 27, 2009

So easy to be happy

This morning, I was talking to Fei, and his smiling face makes my day.He was so excited when he received the 2 parcels and even cut his finger when he opened up the boxes.I can imagine his face beaming with happiness as all those canned food made him feel like he is the riches man on earth.Haha, may be (exaggerating) ? I remember when he was at home, he would never look at the canned food. Strange isn't it? How different situaton and environment can change a person's attitude,taste, and perspective of life.In this case, I opined that he has change for the better, that is , more accomodative, appreciative, and independent.Hope he doesn't mind my saying so. I can see the changes in him, though he might not realised himself.
In our life, sufferings, sickness, or hardships , can very often become useful tools to polish the rough edges of our character, that is why God allows trials and tribulations so that after we are tested, we will be like gold.
what is the secret to be happy? Just be contended.This morning, I caught sight of my newly planted lemon grass.Guess what I saw? Tender tiny green leaves poping out from the earth, bursting with live, thriving and praising god for his wonderful creation, for giving them lives.I can't wait to go home and see them again.


  1. 人对开心的定义是完全取决于个人的心境。。想象一下,一个饱受战乱,饥荒之苦的非洲难民,对他/她而言,有一餐温饱就已经是莫大的幸福了。。但对那些朱门酒肉臭的纨绔子弟,有了跑车还不够,还要更好的,有了贤妻还不够,还要去外面拈花惹草,简直就是身在附中不知福(在下个人认为这些人称他们为人渣简直还是太抬举他们了)。。唯有拥有一颗平静的心,才能找到开心。。只有清心的人,才能明白简单就是福的真谛,才能真正的活出满足开心的生活。。妈咪,今晚我吃你准备的鲁鸭,配上自己炒的青菜,滋味可是相当不错啊!我相信我对食物的要求应该比我的小弟来得简单些吧。。。哈哈哈!所以在吃的方面我也应该比他来得容易满足吧!或许这也是其中一种开心哦!

  2. KEH JIun, 可能平凡也是一种幸福吧!但在有的人看来,大慨会认为此人是太肤浅,没有品味,而且胸无大志。我却是知足长乐。只要开心就好。谢谢你与我有同感。真是我的知音。
